Community Supported Agriculture
2025 CSA Starts May 7th! Sign up NOW to join for the full season.
Click here to send us an inquiry email!
What's a CSA?
The original CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) operated in this way: folks who lived near a farm would sit down with the farmers once a year to discuss and decide on an appropriate budget for the farm, including all materials and tools and most importantly: a living wage for everyone who worked on the farm. That same group of people would then figure out how to meet the budget with whatever they were able to contribute, sometimes having to encourage each other to come up with a little more money if necessary. They would then be entitled to a certain share of the produce, etc. that the farm produced, but the amount of food they received was not linked to the money they had given.
Today most CSAs, including ours, operate more like a subscription service - members pay a set amount in the spring that is equal to the value of the boxes of veggies and fruits (and sometimes other products) that they can pick up each week. This provides the farm with much needed funding in the spring and gives the members consistent access to a seasonal, diverse array of food.
In our case, we want our members to be closely connected to the whole operation and not just subscribers. To that end, we host different gatherings and tours throughout the summer, and members are welcomed to inquire about volunteer options and informal garden visits any time.
Also, we're fortunate to be able to donate a significant amount of what we grow to local groups that prepare meals for folks who might not have regular access to healthy food. Your membership contributions help us continue this important part of our work!
Sign up for a weekly box of produce full of a thoughtfully curated combination of the freshest vegetables available!
Each box will have approximately 7-10 items. An item is defined as a bunch of kale or an ear of corn or a basket of peas, etc. The total value of each box will be approximately $30.
Below is a list of the crops we grow in each season.
Spring - Salad Turnips, Radish, Mesclun Mix, Beets, Carrots, Head Lettuce, Baby Kale, Kale, Chard, Broccoli, Cabbage, Sugar Snap Peas, Spinach, and Herbs.
Summer - Cucumber, Heirloom Tomato, Cherry Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Mesclun Mix, Head Lettuce, Eggplant, Sweet Pepper, Green Beans, Carrots, Beets, Onions, Sweet Corn, Melons, Potatoes, and Herbs.
Fall - Winter Squash, Broccoli, Spinach, Mesclun Mix, Head Lettuce, Kale, Baby Kale, Rutabaga, Kohlrabi, Radish, Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Asian Greens, Potatoes, Large Turnip, Leeks, Carrots, Cabbage, Beets, and Herbs.
When and Where?
Personalized veggie boxes are available for pickup on Wednesdays
May 7th-November 26, 2025. (30 weeks total)
The veggie box pick up is behind the Ridgewood Ranch Farm Stand
Pick up is anytime after 12pm on Wednesday - Sunday Evening.
1 Seabiscuit Drive, Willits, CA 95490
How Much?
Each box is valued at $30 and you receive boxes for 30 weeks. This is a total of $900 for the entire growing season. We offer multiple payment plan options. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and then Making a payment is how you can officially reserve your spot!
1 Payment of $900 (Venmo $917.20)
2 Payments of $450 (Venmo $458.55)
3 Payments of $300 (Venmo $305.80)
We also offer an option where you receive a box every other week instead of every week. The veggies are so fresh, most things can keep up two weeks if properly stored! If only doing every other week, the prices look like this:
1 Payment of $450 (Venmo $458.55)
2 Payments of $225 (Venmo $230)
3 Payments of $150 (Venmo $152)
Please choose whichever option works best for you. If none of these work please do not hesitate to suggest what does!!! No matter which payment option you choose we request that you CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP and then make your first payment ASAP as that will officially reserve your spot!!
Flower Bouquet ADD ON!
For an additionally $10/week you can recieve a seasonal flower bouquet with your veggies!! If you choose to participate it would be $300 for the 30 week season. This can also be broken up in installments and included with your vegetable payment. You can see what the cost looks like combined with the veggies when you SIGN UP HERE.